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Tower of Screaming Virgins (1968)

Tower of Screaming Virgins
Tower of Screaming Virgins (1968)
King's swordsman Captain Buridan, hero of the Flanders campaign, returns to Paris to find it in a grip of fear -a "vampire/witch" in the "Tower of Sin" is luring young men to their deaths by offering them a night of sexual ecstasy followed by savage slaughter. Buridan is holding secrets of his own and his battle to save France from an evil Chancellor, an impotent King and a lascivious, wanton Queen make the battlefields of war seem like child's play.


Release Quality Date
Tower of Screaming Virgins (1968) 720p (HD) / BDRip May 31, 2024, 2:40 p.m.
Tower of Screaming Virgins (1968) 1080p (FullHD) / BDRip May 4, 2024, 9:38 a.m.