The Serious Business of Happiness (2010)

Posted By: groovelegacy

The Serious Business of Happiness (2010)
DVD-Rip | AVI | XviD MPEG4 @ 1.1 Mbit/s | 640x368 | MP3 Stereo @ 128 Kbit/s 44 KHz | 93 min | 699 MB
Language: English | Subtitle: None | Label: Gotham Metro Studios Inc. | Original Release Date: November 9, 2010
Genre: Documentary, Drama, Inspirational, Education, Self-Help Movies, Spirituality & Philosophy

Happiness. If you turn on the news today you don't see much of it. In the wake of natural disasters, terrorist attacks and government let-downs, Americans are striving for a light at the end of the tunnel; a glimmer of hope that will bring solace and peace back into their lives. We were given life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. But what is happiness and how is it achieved? With life in these times, it is hard not to focus on the negative. However, people by nature want to stay positive. People are hungry for improvement in all aspects of their lives, with the pursuit of happiness leading the way. 100 million "Cultural Creatives" are on a mission to improve their lives and the lives of others. They are ultimately on a quest for true happiness. Our film "The Serious Business of Happiness" embodies this very idea. This "docu-drama" brings us along on a journey in the search of absolute contentment…

The Awakening of Sean Mulvihill (Living Luminaries on The Serious Business of Happiness) is a film on life’s purpose and on attaining happiness.The Awakening of Sean Mulvihill is a new motion picture, a spiritual film with reality and authenticity. The Awakening of Sean Mulvihill brings you along on a spiritual journey in search of absolute contentment and inner peace.

The Awakening of Sean Mulvihill film is a powerful new motion picture featuring insights of some of the foremost, most inspirational individuals of our day. Our young seeker’s quest for happiness takes him on a journey of discovery where he receives insights and instruction from the “Luminaries.

The “Luminaries” in this spiritual movie consist of Eckhart Tolle, Marianne Williamson, Don Miguel Ruiz, Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith, Geronimo Ji Jaga (Pratt), Matthew Kelly, Dr. Obadiah S. Harris Ph.D, Gary Renard, Dr. Harry Morgan Moses, Rev. Robert Schuller, Dr. Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey, Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein, Nachum Shifren (The Surfing Rabbi), Venerable Lama Chodak Gyatso Nubpa, Rev. William Epps, The Benedictine Monks of St. Andrews Abbey, Brandi Kelly, Marc Emery and Dr. Robert Frager – Sufi Sheikh.
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