I'm Dying Up Here: Heartbreak and High Times in Stand-up Comedy's Golden Era

Posted By: zadornii

I'm Dying Up Here: Heartbreak and High Times in Stand-up Comedy's Golden Era
PublicAffairs | 304 pages | 2009 | ISBN: 158648317X | PDF | 1.6 mb

This book does a wonderful job of humanizing people we know only as performers - David Letterman, Tom Dreesen, Richard Lewis and many other well-known comedians. You see them off stage, as real people in real and often difficult situations. It's also one of the best books I've ever read about the cut-throat business side of "show business." If you have any interest at all in the history of stand-up comedy (not how to do it - you won't find that here) and what makes comedians do what they do, I highly recommend this book. If you're looking for laughs, you'll find a few here, but there are equal parts tragedy, so don't pick it up expecting big yuks on every page.

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