Marvel Encyclopedia Volume 1 (HC)


Marvel Encyclopedia Volume 1 (HC)
CBR | Marvel Comics | ISBN: 0785109846 | Published Oct 21 2002 | 240 Pages | 152.01 MB

This is the first such published by Marvel, a complete and at that time, up-to-date alphabetical listing of all Marvel heroes and villains. It set the tone and the standard for the other volumes that will follow thereafter. It's more than a decade old, yet it is still informative and a valuable and useful reference.
At last, the long awaited, complete and up-to-date listing of more than 100 top Marvel heroes and villians, from A to Z. This fully illustrated, comprehensive hardcover includes biographies, statistics, essential reading and quizzes on all the Mighty Marvel's most popular characters. How did they get their powers? What were their greatest adventures? Who are the deadliest adversaries? All is revealed in the Marvel Encyclopedia. --

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