A Primer in Game Theory (Repost)

Posted By: leonardo78

A Primer in Game Theory by Robert Gibbons
Publisher: Financial Times Prentice Hall | 1992 | ISBN: 0745011594 | 267 pages | PDF (scan) | 7,44 MB

Rob Gibbons provides an introduction to the branches of game theory that have been widely applied in economics. He emphasizes the applications as much as the pure theory. This not only helps to teach the theory, but also illustrates the process of model building - the process of translating an informal description of a multi-person decision situation into a formal, game theoretic problem to be analyzed. The approach aims to serve as both an introduction to those who will go on to specialize as pure game-theorists. It also introduces game theory to those who will later construct (or at least use) game-theoretic models in applied fields of economics.