The Torch #3 (Of 8)


The Torch #3 (Of 8)
Eng | RS & Hotfile | CBR | Marvel Comics | Nov 4 2009 | 26 Pages | 16.6 MB
+ The Torch Issues #1-2

is an eight-issue miniseries commissioned as a pseudo-sequel of sorts to Avengers/Invaders for Marvel Comics for its 70th anniversary. It is a thoughtful and intimate look at a classic Marvel character, the original World War II Torch. Writer Mike Carey fleshes his characters with definition and care, with detailed artwork by Patrick Berkenkotter, drawing the title character in the Golden Age style. The third issue picks up the pace even more as Carey through the Thinker's dialogue conjures a hard science fiction explanation and basis for the nature of the flames of the original Torch and his sidekick Toro in stark contrast to the old-style artwork. This is what happens when you pair a good writer with a good artist and give them the freedom to handle their material. Sparks fly and flames burn bright.
Restored to life by the Thinker's genius and on the Thinker's terms, the Torch is now a weapon of mass destruction owned and controlled by A.I.M. And as A.I.M.'s scientists launch him on his murderous mission, the Thinker reveals the true scope of his insane ambition! By: Mike Carey & Alex Ross, Patrick Berkenkotter, Alex Ross --

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