Tatabu'i (issue 1)- Akhlaq Minding Comic Magazine

Tatabu'i (issue 1)- Akhlaq Minding Comic Magazine
7MB | PDF | October-2007 | 30 PG | JPG | RS.com

COMIC MAGAZINE WITH ISLAMIC THEMATIC. Akhlaq Minding Comic Magazine. To make a replacement for the western adult comic magazines and to broaden world’s view for this kind of art.

TATABU'I - a different comic

Comics in Islam?
The above sentence when we first hear it sounds like a total nonsense. Do Muslims really have a need for the 9th art.? I believe that those of us that have read comics and accepted them early in their life will still read them and they will satisfy their need by reading Heavy Metal, Metal Hurlant, and other American and European magazines for adults (because comics are not just for kids). So what TATABU’I is trying to do is to make a replacement for the western adult comic magazines and to broaden world’s view for this kind of art.

In this issue:

The Boosnavee- real life adventure- 1st chapter

Penguicycle- short funnies

Taqwacore- 4-page real life story, about Muslim punk and returning to faith.

Long Night- short story