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Auser Musici - Boccherini: Flute Quintets Op. 19 (2008)

Posted By: tirexiss
Auser Musici - Boccherini: Flute Quintets Op. 19 (2008)

Auser Musici - Boccherini: Flute Quintets Op. 19 (2008)
EAC | FLAC (image+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 69:09 | 366 MB
Genre: Classical | Label: Hyperion | Catalog: CDA67646

When Boccherini's six quintets for flute and string quartet were published in 1776, the composer described them as "opera piccolo" (little works) because of their generally brief character. But in these splendid performances by Italian Auser Musici, the flute quintets need no disclaimers, and they sound fully equal to the composer's string quintets. Flutist Carlo Ipata takes the lead, and his playing perfectly matches Boccherini's sweet-toned but technically challenging music.

Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici, Maria Grazia Schiavo - Cherubini: Arias and Overtures from Florence to Paris (2012)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici, Maria Grazia Schiavo - Cherubini: Arias and Overtures from Florence to Paris (2012)

Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici, Maria Grazia Schiavo - Luigi Cherubini: Arias and Overtures from Florence to Paris (2012)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 266 Mb | Total time: 58:07 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Hyperion | # CDA67893 | Recorded: 2010

Following acclaimed discs exploring some of the more fascinating byways of the Italian eighteenth century, Auser Musici and its founder-director Carlo Ipata turn to the man Beethoven regarded as the finest of his contemporaries, Luigi Cherubini. It’s not difficult to understand why Beethoven was so impressed: this is music full of character and seriousness of intent, from the strong-jawed Sinfonia for the opera Armida abandonnata, written when Cherubini was just twenty-two, to the dark drama of the Overture to Démophon (which unaccountably failed to wow the sniffy Parisian audiences). And there are vocal delights too, showcasing a virtuosity that looks forward to Rossini and sung here with effortless agility by Maria Grazia Schiavo.

Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Francesco Gasparini: Il Bajazet (2015)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Francesco Gasparini: Il Bajazet (2015)

Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Francesco Gasparini: Il Bajazet (2015)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 1,03 Gb | Total time: 75:48+67:30+61:50 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Glossa | # GCD 923504 | Recorded: 2014

Carlo Ipata, inveterate searcher out of unjustly forgotten musical scores, directs Il Bajazet, the important three-act opera by Francesco Gasparini - which shows marked influences of the Roman Arcadian School of the Baroque. Ipata conducts the orchestra of his own Auser Musici for this new Glossa recording, made in conjunction with performances which took place at last year’s Opera Festival in Barga.

Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Neapolitan Flute Concertos (2010)

Posted By: tirexiss
Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Neapolitan Flute Concertos (2010)

Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Neapolitan Flute Concertos (2010)
EAC | FLAC (tracks+.cue, log) | Covers Included | 00:58:51 | 376 MB
Genre: Classical | Label: Hyperion | Catalog: 67784

The program presented on this release is one more typically found on small labels specializing in the Baroque era than on the major and sonically sumptuous Hyperion label, but for those who enjoy the virtuoso instrumental music of the Baroque it will live up to its surroundings. Naples in the middle of the 18th century was the largest city in Italy and one of the 10 largest in the word. Then as now, Naples attracted distinguished visitors with its scenic surroundings, but it was a hot, chaotic place from which creative people departed if they could. Of the big three Neapolitan opera composers, Leonardo Leo, Leonardo Vinci, and Niccolò Jommelli, only Jommelli is represented here. It's hard to detect traces of their novel operatic styles in these flute concertos, which are nicely oriented toward solo display without losing a sense of overall balance.

Elena Cecchi Fedi, Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Nicola Porpora: Or sì m'avveggio, oh Amore - Cantatas for Soprano (2008)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Elena Cecchi Fedi, Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Nicola Porpora: Or sì m'avveggio, oh Amore - Cantatas for Soprano (2008)

Elena Cecchi Fedi, Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Nicola Porpora: Or sì m'avveggio, oh Amore - Cantatas for Soprano (2008)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 279 Mb | Total time: 55:20 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Hyperion | CDA67621 | Recorded: 2006

Porpora is best known for his open rivalry with Handel on the London operatic scene, and is remembered more for the ferocious controversies that raged between the two men than for his music. But this dazzling new disc from Auser Musici shows the composer to be a profound musician with a rich and wide-ranging output, a mastery of compositional technique and a keen sense of theatre and dramatic pacing. Stylishly performed and recorded, this disc will surely force a reappraisal of Porpora’s artistry and reawaken interest in this great composer.

Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Francesco Gasparini: Dori e Daliso, Mirena e Floro (2004)

Posted By: ArlegZ
Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Francesco Gasparini: Dori e Daliso, Mirena e Floro (2004)

Carlo Ipata, Auser Musici - Francesco Gasparini: Dori e Daliso, Mirena e Floro (2004)
EAC | FLAC | Image (Cue & Log) ~ 287 Mb | Total time: 57:09 | Scans included
Classical | Label: Symphonia | SY 03207 | Recorded: 2003

Davvero bella e coinvolgente l’interpretazione dei tre cantanti che sanno calarsi con efficacia e la giusta teatralità in queste du fascinose pagine, sorretti con brio e vitalità da Auser Musici, diretto con intelligenza, buon gusto e assoluta proprietà da Carlo Ipata.