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Maria Tanase - Romanian Folklore Music Vol 1 2 3

Posted By: mpopa

Maria Tanase - Romanian Folklore Music

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The first volume of three, this is a fine collection of this distinguished Romanian folk singer's work. Maria has been called 'Maria Cantecelor' (Maria of the songs) and referred to as 'the Edith Piaf of Romanian folk music', descriptions that goes some way in describing the the greatness of this singer.

'Maria Tanase was born on September 25, 1913 in Bucharest. She passed away on June 22, 1963 carried off by an unforgiving illness, lung cancer. Irresistibly drawn towards art, Maria proved to be a versatile talent. She distinguished herself as a theater and film actress, as an operetta singer, a music hall star but mainly as an interpreter of folk songs.

On June 2, 1937, she made her debut in Constantin Tanase’s Carabus Company. She shone in the shows of the music hall theatres, Alhambra and Gioconda. After the war she performed in the Review Ensemble and the Satirical and Musical Theatre Constantin Tanase. She had a part in the plays The Living Dead by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi in 1945 and Horia by Mihai Davidoglu in 1956. She sang in Edmond Audran’s operetta Mascota (The Mascot) in 1944, and she held the main part in the musical comedy The Hollywood Sphinx, by Ralph Benatzky in 1946. She sang in the movies Romania, 1947, Clulinii Baraganulul (The thistles of the Baragan) in 1958 and in the short-reel film Amintiri din Bucuresti (Memories from Bucharest) in 1958.

In most music hall shows as well as in the movies, Maria interpreted folk songs or songs in this style. So did she in the many tours she had across the country — over forty tours in the last fifteen years of her life — but also in the many tours she made abroad: in New York — at the International Exhibition in 1937 where she sang with Grigoras Dinicus Orchestra; in Istanbul in the spring of 1941 along the chorus line directed by Nicolae Kiritescu and Aurel Maican, In the about 60 shows presented there, she interpreted with great success pieces of the Romanian folk music as well as Turkish folk songs which she learnt on the spot from a strolling player who was also offered the chance to accompany her in the luxurious hall of Taxim.

She interpreted folk songs and the so-called Romanian songs, composed by popular music composers in the spirit of folk music, in many of the Bucharest restaurants, Neptun, Wilson, Parcul Aro, Luxandra, Luther, Continental, etc. especially in the period between the two world wars. She made her radio debut in February 20, 1937 singing folk songs having recorded her first album a year before at the Columbia Recording Studios. She continued her cooperation with the same studios and then went on working with the Electrecord Recording Studios. Many of her songs were recorded on tape in the studios of the Romanian Radio and Television Society.

A comparison of the songs recorded during the period between the two world wars with the ones she interpreted in the years of artistic maturity would reveal the development that took place in her interpretative concept.

In 1952, Maria was offered a post at the Music School No. 1 in Bucharest, in the newly created folk song department; 1962 found Maria guiding Taraful Gorjului (The Gorj Folk Music Band) in Targu Jiu and the artists there, at her own request. On May 1,1963, after a concert in Hunedoara, she had to leave the long tour of the famous folk ensemble, because of the illness.

Her creative artistry in Romanian folk song was honored with the medals Ordinul Muncii (The Order for Activity), Premiul de Stat (The State Award) and the title Artista Emerita (Honoured Artist of the Republic) in 1957.'

Tiberiu Aiexandru

Maria Tanase

'Volume 1'


Song Titles

1. Dragi mi-s cântecele mele
2. Asearã ti-am luat basma
3. Lung îi drumul Gorjului
4. Pe vale, tato, pe vale
5. Bun îi vinul ghiurghiuliu
6. Asearã vântul bãtea
7. Ciuleandra
8. Mãrie si Mãrioarã
9. Hai, iu, iu
10. Trenule, masinã micã
11. Bãtrânete, haine grele
12. Butelcuta mea
13. Mi-am pus busuioc în pãr
14. Mãrioarã
15. Colo-n vale-n grãdinitã
16. Pe deal pe la Cornãtel
17. Cântec din Oas
18. Iac-asa
19. Cine Iubeste si Lasa
20. Uhai, bade
21. Doina din Dolj
22. Doda, doda
23. Toderel
24. Ma Dusei sa trec lo Olt

Duration (76'50")


This is the second volume of three, and again a fine collection of this distinguished Romanian folk singer's work. Maria has been called' Maria Cantelocor' (Maria of the songs) and referred to as 'the Edith Piaf of Romanian folk music', descriptions that goes some way in describing the the greatness of this singer.

Volumes 1 and 3 in this series are also available.

'Maria Tanase was born on September 25, 1913 in Bucharest. She passed away on June 22, 1963 carried off by an unforgiving illness, lung cancer.
Irresistibly drawn towards art, Maria proved to be a versatile talent. She distinguished herself as a theater and film actress, as an operetta singer, a music hall star but mainly as an interpreter of folk songs.

On June 2, 1937, she made her debut in Constantin Tanase’s Carabus Company. She shone in the shows of the music hall theatres, Alhambra and Gioconda. After the war she performed in the Review Ensemble and the Satirical and Musical Theatre Constantin Tanase. She had a part in the plays The Living Dead by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi in 1945 and Horia by Mihai Davidoglu in 1956. She sang in Edmond Audran’s operetta Mascota (The Mascot) in 1944, and she held the main part in the musical comedy The Hollywood Sphinx, by Ralph Benatzky in 1946. She sang in the movies Romania, 1947, Clulinii Baraganulul (The thistles of the Baragan) in 1958 and in the short-reel film Amintiri din Bucuresti (Memories from Bucharest) in 1958.

In most music hall shows as well as in the movies, Maria interpreted folk songs or songs in this style. So did she in the many tours she had across the country — over forty tours in the last fifteen years of her life — but also in the many tours she made abroad: in New York — at the International Exhibition in 1937 where she sang with Grigoras Dinicus Orchestra; in Istanbul in the spring of 1941 along the chorus line directed by Nicolae Kiritescu and Aurel Maican, In the about 60 shows presented there, she interpreted with great success pieces of the Romanian folk music as well as Turkish folk songs which she learnt on the spot from a strolling player who was also offered the chance to accompany her in the luxurious hall of Taxim.

She interpreted folk songs and the so-called Romanian songs, composed by popular music composers in the spirit of folk music, in many of the Bucharest restaurants, Neptun, Wilson, Parcul Aro, Luxandra, Luther, Continental, etc. especially in the period between the two world wars. She made her radio debut in February 20, 1937 singing folk songs having recorded her first album a year before at the Columbia Recording Studios. She continued her cooperation with the same studios and then went on working with the Electrecord Recording Studios. Many of her songs were recorded on tape in the studios of the Romanian Radio and Television Society.

A comparison of the songs recorded during the period between the two world wars with the ones she interpreted in the years of artistic maturity would reveal the development that took place in her interpretative concept.

In 1952, Maria was offered a post at the Music School No. 1 in Bucharest, in the newly created folk song department; 1962 found Maria guiding Taraful Gorjului (The Gorj Folk
Music Band) in Targu Jiu and the artists there, at her own request. On May 1,1963, after a concert in Hunedoara, she had to leave the long tour of the famous folk ensemble, because of the illness.

Her creative artistry in Romanian folk song was honored with the medals Ordinul Muncii (The Order for Activity), Premiul de Stat (The State Award) and the title Artista Emerita (Honoured Artist of the Republic) in 1957.'

Tiberiu Aiexandru

Maria Tanase

'Volume 2'


Song Titles

1. Am iubit si-am sa iubesc (2'30!)
2. Lume, lume (4'29")
3. Trei focuri arde pe lume (4'30")
4. Un tigan avea o casa (3'51")
5. Agurida (4'24")
6. Lunca, lunca (3'23")
7. Cate mute, cate slute (3'13")
8. Doina din Maramures (4'00")
9. Mai Gheorghita, und-te duci? (3'08")
10. Maria neichii, Marie (5'16")
11. Uite dealul, uite via (2'55")
12. Se teme lon ca moare (3'13")
13. Cat ii Maramuresul (4'03")
14. As ofta sa-mi iasa focul (3'03")
15. Asta iarna era iarna (3'13")
16. Nici acela nu-i fecior (2'48")
17. Tulnicul (2'35")
18. Tataise si-o cumnata (3'07")
19. Eu pe bade-am intrebat (2'26")
20. Frica mi-e ca mor ca maine (4'07")

Duration (69'09")


Extract from notes:
'Maria Tanase was the one who universalized the Romanian folk song, in a yet unparalleled way. Her fame went beyond national boundaries along with the songs she gave life to.

Maria was no researcher in the strict technical sense of the word. She picked folklore only to share it with her countless fans, ardent lovers of the folk song. “Collected from the people, shared with the people” as Anton Pann used to say one century and a half ago.

Were it not for her efforts, many jewels of the Romanian folk treasure would be lost in some God forgotten corner of the country. At present, one could not say when, where and from whom she got her songs. A large part of her repertoire consisted of songs she learnt from the recordings on phonograph cylinders or gramophone discs of the Folk lore Archives of the Romanian Composers Society established in 1928 by the famous ethnomusicologist Constantin Brailoiu. She was much helped and guided by folklorist Harry Brauner, an
old contributor to the archives and a good friend of the artist. But many of the songs she picked while traveling through the country.

So she came to posses a folkloric wealth consisting of about four hundred pieces of different musical genres from all parts of the country. The brochure Cantecele mele (My songs) — Bucharest 1963, consists of twenty such songs, the musical transcription of which was made by composer Nicolae Coman.

Maria did not fully or mechanically reproduced those songs. She did not interpret a doina from Bukovina exactly as they do it there or a humorous satirical extempore verse (as chanted during a folk dance specific to the northern part of the country, Oas) exactly as in Oas, but in her charming way of interpretation, bearing the mark of her strong and noble nature.

On the other hand, at the beginning of her career, she usually tried to reproduce the songs she acquired as truly as possible. Once artistically matured, she would creatively process folk melody and verse, filtering everything through her particular sensibility and artistic taste. “Who pitches the Romanian tone, style and song the way the subtle Maria Tanase does? The devil. And not even him!” — wrote Tudor Arghezi about our great artist who, in his opinion, "created the Romanian folklore anew".
Maria’s peerless manner of interpretation and charming voice, which was dramatic, exuberant but always personal; her mastery of each modulation of the soul from gladness to tragedy ensures that Maria represents not only folk-song in all its complexity, but also the very essence of the Romanian soul….'

Tiberiu Aiexandru

Maria Tanase

'Volume 3'


Song Titles

1. Cine iubeste si lasa - He Who Loves And Lets Go
2. Uhai, bade! - Hey Lover Of Mine
3. Cine m-aude cantand - Who Hears Me Singing
4. Asta noapte te-am visat - Last Night I Dreamt Of You
5. Paraus, apa vioara - Brook With Singing Waters
6. Bade, din dragostea noastra - From Our Love, My Swain
7. Maine toti recrutii pleaca - All The Recruits Leave Tomorrow
8. Iac-asa! - Just For Fun
9. Hai, maica, la iarmaroc! - Lets Go To The Fair, Ma
10. Foaie verde maracine - Thorns
11. Cantec de leagan - Lullaby
12. Zise muma catre mine - Said Ma To Me
13. Pana cand nu te iubeam - I Loved You
14. Nu vine mandru, nu vine - My Loves Not Coming, He isn't
15. Pe ulita, mai colea - In The Street Not Far Away
16. Valeleu! - My, Oh My!
17. Rau ma doare inima - My Heart Hurts Bad
18. Cand toca la Radu-Voda - In Prince Radu's Time

Duration (66'09")
